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Avatar since: 2006-07-08
Age: 39
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Both less and more than I appear."

See My Albums (1)

Good evening, everyone. My name is Kiyomi Ninomiya, and I am pleased to meet you (provided you aren't a completely useless creature existing only to be crushed under my boot).

I am not entirely sure what to write here. I am Japanese, yes, but I have been living in central America since I was four years of age, so I do not speak my original country's language. As soon as I gather sufficient funds and tie some loose ends here in the states, I plan to return to Japan, and hope to make a nice life there. With the troubles here in America, it does not seem a wise place to settle down permanently.

I have a small range of interests, including (but not limited to): Poetry, Reading, Japanese culture, Computers and technology in general. My musical interests are classical, most any J-music, some older American rock.

This should probably be made clear; I am not currently looking for someone 'special', and will likely not be in the near future. Please refrain from asking why, I promise you do not want to know.

The most irritating thing you can do whilst in a conversation with me is asking for my a/s/l. I know that some of you are simply curious, but there are more who are looking for someone in their own age range to 'hook up' with. I prefer to converse with people who are interested in more than a quick relationship...so if that is all you want, please do not bother messenging me.

That is all for now.
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Other
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My Wish List
Perfect Teal Eyebrows[Y] Black Heart Chokermy personal eyesSHORT SAGGY BLACK HAIR~ Red Emo Hair
M| Derivable Chusy- Sia Blonde Bob- Lee Loo Hair- Bob Brunette~Short Emo Ash Blond
~ Short Blond Emo~ Short Black Duotoneツ ShortLanieBrownFoot Shoe Scaler 110%Ss::Black Lace Gloves
~Short Cut|Mink!APY !!Outfit Heart.!Q! Cats Moon FullOutfitM` Anarchy SweaterM!Bad Meow Sweater!

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