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Avatar since: 2006-11-15
Age: 42 18+ Age Verified تم تأكيد السن
United States - AZ
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Hello peoples!! I'm back ^.^"

See My Albums (1)

UNDER no circumstances do I roleplay/rp or anything of that nature ON IMVU. Do not, I repeat, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT send me msgs trying to "recruit" me for this house or that family. Because I have an interest in the historical nature, the mythological context and psychology behind such or for whatever person reasons have an interest in vampires IN NO FASHION ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH does that mean I even want to roleplay. If that was my intention I would not have been a member of IMVU since 2006 and not have already found what I would be looking for under such hypothetical situation. I am sick and BLOODY tired have getting msgs fill with roleplaying crap. Thank you, if you fail to understand this then I am assuming you are mass spamming people and will report you accordingly. With that so directly stated, feel free to continue to read on

This fleshy shell is exposed among the album.

I search for that which I can not find. The one willing to complete my life.

Do not come beckoning in this darkness if you can not see, or understand the light which shines here. The state of being is abstract and alien in ways beyond comprehension. Suffering from the fear and the void of understanding of others is a pain upon the soul in which will be expelled from here with a swiftness that only the Gods have seen.

I am different from all. Both in the Gods and ways that I follow.

I am in no fashion a construct for procreation. My life leads me on a path of enjoyment of like kind.

I am in no fashion displaying a roleplaying persona here.

I can not bare nor willing to tolerate "wannabes", narrow minded people, ignorance that has no reason, psuedo's, preteens or teens who have barely been alive longer then I have been who and what I am, dictating to me what they believe a scene entails or what is the right way, NO pleading for gifts/credits etc and last but not least to preaching.

The one I am seeing that is special is my Ka, my soul, myself. I say such, as I am tired of those you search for a relationship as a fleeting moment of breath.(If this sounds farce then you know and should not question that which you already know.)

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
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DemonDancing ToxicGothic Taken ScrollPentagram of bloodTremeria Pentagram Altar
_Fishnet_N_GrommetDragon Attack ThroneBeno Top w ScarfZedkiel (Full Outfit)[7E]Ethical Boots
[7E]Ethical MurdererSeraph Herald Wings~VP~ Pagan Church Candle(T68)Pentacle RugRuby Red~Animated~
Vampire Bitten and Takenfurry taken stickerspacerspacerspacer
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Special Someone
Rawr, hands off, this one is mine. =D
There are many people for many reasons, as to who I could call special. You know who you are and I hope you know why.

When there comes someone that truly fills a void or part of me, I shall place them here. Until then.

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Mysterious and a scholar, you are a member of the Tremere clan. You are pretty loyal to your clan, well, you sort of have to...especially since you are blood-bonded to most of them. You are the intelligentsia of the Camarilla and are fascinated with the occult. Possessing the ability to use blood for magic, many clans don't like to approach you. However, that is fine with you. You tend not to trust the other clans anyway.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
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