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Avatar since: 2006-03-01
Age: 37
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"I'll drive you crazy!"

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Relationship Status: Other
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What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]

You are a Samurai.
You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.

Main weapon: Sword
Quote:"Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile
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