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Avatar since: 2007-04-06
Age: 45 18+ Age Verified تم تأكيد السن
United States - WV
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Back to the Lab again!"

See My Albums (1)

Hello everybody! I'm not very good at talking about myself so I won't say much, I will mention the fact that I am a Developer, so if it says I'm online and I don't respond, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just developing and for some reason beyond me, the previewer makes it appear as though I am online, when I am technically not. That being said, don't hesitate to try chatting with me, as it says below I am married, I have two children and an angel (that means that I had three children, you do the math). My likes are numerous and would be difficult to list so I won't bother trying any more than what is already listed, I will say that I am a geek, but my dislikes are simple and vary by mood, but on the whole, I hate rude people, and I don't like country music. I am straight, but for some reason I have, always have had, and probably always will have more female friends than male friend (I've never understood it, so don't ask me why that is). All that being said, feel free to hit the button and chat with me if I'm on, I don't bite unless asked, told or begged to

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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For the most part this is just stuff i'm thinking of getting, or bookmarks. Don't worry about buying me any of this unless you feel you absolutely must.
M anyskin wolf ears B!P!Glasses-STL*VC* Nerds GlassesglassesWHITE ANGEL HALO
*C Darkness.Horns:.LMFAO Party shirt#White[Efr] Male Tongue V4(BS) MU03 - TailDeath Scenes -Male v1b
[DD]Werewolf head  Maz nm werewolf~FM~ Dark Werewolf Hair~FM~ Dark Werewolf pawsaz werewolf v2
~FM~ Dark Werewolf beard~FM~ Dark Werewolf skin(ks70) Harley 03(ks70) Chopper 01(ks70) Creeper 01
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kharma Gifts 15
generosity Generosity 18

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My wife for 16 years, and she still puts up with me
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