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 photo d2e26acd633f635809b4d7fef196fede_zpsxa11kaho.png Welcome to my homepage! If you admire the layout contact my best friend: Katyizard, she is solely responsible for this lovely page. Name: Syd D.o.B.: November 15 Gender: Female About Me: Currently on IMVU I work at The Playstation as a dancer and escort; I would recommend visiting if you love a 5-star joint filled with beautiful women. Other than that I would love to start developing again, feel free to make any requests for custom items; my specialty is hair. I also play dozens of other games like: LoL, SWTOR, WoW, EoS, and Mabinogi; and that's just to name a few off the top of my head, haha. In the future I hope to become a voice actress and my dream company would be Disney, I aim to inspire and guide young girls and boys; and prove that dreams do come true and miracles and magic are just a blink and a wish away. I love to role-play, I am also always open to joining different role-playing groups on IMVU. I have extensive role-playing experience and am quite the wordsmith. Please don't feel intimidated and send me a personal message so we can get to know each other! Favorite: ✿ color is bluecandy flavor is cinnamon or sourcurrent show is Orange is the New Blackanimal is a cat; anything in the feline speciesfood 'genre' is oriental; Korean and Japanese cuisinehobby is to singmusic 'genre' is soundtrack Special Someone: Katyizard, Katy, is the most important person to me right now. She is fiercely loyal and incredibly generous. I love to spend time with my best friend and gab about bitches and boys and whatever else fills our wandering minds. Katy this section is dedicated to you so you know how much I appreciate our friendship and how glad I am to have met you. Plus without you, I wouldn't have this amazing layout. KIDDING, but truth though. I love you girl ♡.


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