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Avatar since: 2006-12-05
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Hey, well i'm Paul, I'm not a Goth-Emo-Freak-Junki or what ever u think. U wanna give it a Name say Alto=Alternatief so different from other people. Well i Love my friends in a normal way, They are the best i have so dont Mess with them or u have some trouble with me ;) I hate camera's at least i look always stupid on picture's I listen mostly to metal/deathmetal but u can even call me for some rock or punk ^^ I like it to get drunk or stoned with my friends, its not the only thing we do but its funny ^^ i like it to go out and stuff... euhm... what can i tell more >.< ohh yhea i like the way i'm how i act what i do and if u dont.. Screw you! I'm not really active on IMVU if u wanna talk to me u can add me at msn, my email is Gigapaul_mg@hotmail.com, enjoy=D

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