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Avatar since: 2007-02-07
السن: 64
United States - AK
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"As sala\'amu alaikum!=Peace be unto you"

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Assalamu Alaikum I am a down to earth Muslima who enjoys living life to the fullest extent! I am a survivor of pre mature birth (3 months) yes... weighing only 1 lb 9 oz! I am a survivor of domestic violence, I am a 4 year survior of Breast Cancer and I survived being homeless while fighting my Breast Cancer. I don't sweat the small stuff so I always have plenty of reserves to fall back on when the big stuff comes. I enjoy helping others, learning about different cultures/customs and teaching others that you have everything you need if you just take the time to look deep within yourself. Within yourself there's love, hope, and healing. Never give up. If you've got lemons...forgoodness sake, make lemonade!!! Check out some of my favorite things in my latest BLOG!
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