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Barbie <333's M. A. C.

Welcome to My Home Page!!,My Name is Cindy but you can call me C its my nickname!! I live in California, In San Francisco. I study in Art and I really like graphisme I started to discover it with Imvu. Im a new Developper I started like.. in December?! Yeah I think its December '07. So yea I think I can describe myself like a ''New Developper'' lol.. Yeah so.. I draw Too , I often do my drawing with Highlighters and Pens,, I HATE PENCILS ,, I thin Fafi is one of my Idol,, Yeah I love her drawing they are really original...Anyway Feel very free to leave a message or to invite Im sorry If sometime I decline or I don't answer,its because I often developpe new product when Im online so be Patient and Leave me a Message I love to read them. Take Care xxx (:

The ProDuction
So.. Like I was saying,, Im a new developper so I don't got all the method for texturing . But I think Im better then before.. Well I hope lol.Anyway Im making each products with a lot of love (: Yes Im thinking of all of you my Shoppers Addicts (:,, I DO REQUEST :D but Only Skin Leave a message for more information & for exemple go see my skins in my products (: (: ..Anyway Don't forget to leave a review you can't understand how its veryy Nice for a developper to have them products reviewed. Anyway,,Ily ALL OF YOU (:.

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