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Avatar since: 2006-10-12
Age: 33
الولايات المتحدة - بنسلفانيا
آخر دخول للموقع:

"You laugh at me because I\'m diffrent but I laugh at you because you follow the crowd"

See My Albums (4)

Well, let's see about me? That's an awful lot...Let's start off with hi i'm Nyxie. I'm an 18 year old girl from the lovely woodland known as Pennsylvania. I am a cancer born on July 22nd 1991, and infact cancer ends on my birthday haha. I've lived in the same place for the whole of my life, but I've lived in various places in that same place. I am a fresh graduate from highschool and a proud class of 2009! I am currently attending a technical school for graphics design and I am now in my 2nd quarter. I still can't draw well, but after my drawing class I can draw better. Kind of, with a good picuture reference I can do okay. I'm working on it okay! You can check out my DA if you want to see any of the other crappy work I do and post on the internet for people to stare at randomly if you wish. More about me...Well I'm shy and semi nontalkative depending on my mood, and how well i know you. My favorite color is blue. But my favorite value is black. (Color theory class taught me that black isn't a color) I like black more the blue and I also like purple. Purple's right under blue and right before rainbow. Because rainbow is a color in my world. I love wolves and really any kid of animal =3 Jus wolves are my favorite and are in fact what kind of animal my fursona is. I enjoy designing things, obviously since that's what i'm going to school for. Sadly I must admit I am a bit of pessimist. I'm depressed alot and such. I have nothing but a negative view on myself. Basically i'm a dramatic uke. Go search 'uke seme quiz' to find out more about uke's and seme's lol. But everything under the dramatic uke describes me. Desite being so negative and pessimistic I can be pretty fun. I'm nice and random and can make you laugh. 'specially with how much my mind jumps around. I'm extremly weird and diffrent. I can not express that enough. Music...is my soul. I litterally call my mp3 player my soul. And when it's broken. My soul is broken. I need music to survive the end. My music preference is all over the place. I'll dance stupidly to a disney song and then dance to a hard rock song. Now...you must ask yourself the most important question in life...Your soul...for a cookie? An evil cookie mind you
Relationship Status: Single
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Special Someone
Dudes this be my best friend in the whole freakin world. He's there when I'm happy makin me laugh he's been there when I was sader then sad makin me feel better. I owe him so much and not a clue how to repay him. I seriously owe him my life and a great part of my happiness. He puts up with so much from me and this is my time to thank him. He knows more about me then anyone in the world. We're so close...yet literally so far away. Shadow if you read this you mean so much to me, I love you man<3
My Wish List
PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket This is my wish list.i can't buy any of it myself most the time because i can't buy creds. but if i see something i like i put in on my wish list so i can find it later if i can buy it. you don't have to buy me anything but if you do you have no clue how thankful i'll be.
[V4NY] LuLu blueAOT [Mikasa Jacket]STGN Pink/Blue SparkleGrey Wolf Tail[GB] Flaming Gamer Hair
[GB] Element Bending 16Kimono Black Blue Tree[GB] Water Bender BootsScruffy Black JeansBlue SkullCandy!
[DS]Punk convers-FVal - Punk Belt Pant Ice-CHA- Sentence RGrey Plaid ShirtCrystal Blk Dress
Val - Punk Star ShirtBlue Plaid Shirt~ Winter sweater ' BlueBlue Topspacer
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