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Avatar since: 2006-09-08
Age: 32
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"I love mornings!"

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You Are Who You are so never change a thing and sure love and friendship can bring pain but jus try to get through stay strong! Hey everyone i hope you enjoy my page. I like people who dont judge books by their covers and are down to earth so if you are stuck up and mean, GET LOST! lol I dont mind if you do anything on my page. Feel free to leave a message. P.S I love Sims 2 and Kingdom Hearts lol! Everyone in my school are jerks and they judge books by their covers but I don't care because I express myself in every way. Never back down on a bully or a typical idiot, always do the things you want to do and be happy! It doesn't matter if your an emo or maybe a nerd lol just always be yourself! P.S Heres my secret, when I started imvu I was an emo/goth! If you don't believe me just take a look at some of my oldest pictures in my gallery. Love Timetravels301 xx Also if your one of those creeps out there who swear and intimidate people on imvu, then you should back off! P.S I have seen some websites with girls trying to be sexy and loving themself but i think they would be prettier if they just expressed their own personality inside instead of trying to impress boys. Here are some tihngs about me! My favourite artists are Bjork and Madonna. Also Beyonce but only back when she was in destinys child.
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Special Someone
She is my best friend. Full of energy, super fun and really crazy! lol.
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Tomb Raider Fans Club

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Best Backgrounds and poses outfit contest

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The Kingdom Hearts Family XD

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MelisaPosey Advertizing and Shopping Mall

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Join The Craze

437 posts from 234 members
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50 posts from 2846 members
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I always love trying different styles. Try some if you want :)!
My Interests
Toys candy rollercoasters horrer movies special ocasiaons santa claus easter
rock, anime, writing, Painting, clothing, Capricorn, eating, reading, video games, United Kingdom, IMVU (obviously), sleeping :D, lady gaga
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My Wish List
Dont have to give me a gift but i do like them :)
!Stud Boots ~ ChocolateVal - Punk Tie Shirt Wht[PK] RAINBOWDark Green Eyesshimmering purple GAGA
Ka~Lady Gaga Purple Blue[Jo]B-Hair 1[LC]Leparu Mohawk HairSpiked lipring - head4 M!B!American Eagle Jeans
S' G-Star RAW Denim | V3AT_EasyConxSx Sikk Hawk!en| Solar Black5pr*smart glasses BLK m
Male HeadV|Rolling Stonesspacerspacerspacer
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Multicolour Flower
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