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Avatar since: 2006-10-22
Age: 37
United States - MD
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Fool me Once, Fool me Twice, Are you Death or Paradise?"

See My Albums (5)

What does it matter? about me... you'll come to hate, you'll see...... I'll drive you away, just like everyone, in time you'll believe....I couldn't be saved, by anyone... Yet still I wished on a hope that you'd be the one......

My japanese name is ?? Raito (Light)

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
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Danke Sehr, for visitng my page ^_^ come back anytime talk to me anytime as well! ^_\
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They said to have one sooo imma try and have one >.< lol
[PL] Skin - BADRAH - v2Emo SkinPerfect SkinGoth Skin*Naruto Eyebrows*
[F]*Naruto Jacket*spacerspacerspacerspacer
My Rankings
OKAY i dont want to be a dick but that damn generosity thing isnt ever gunna work but in an esitmate ive given about 378 gifts which is a damn lot lol... ^_^ given is awesome but begging isnt...
friendly Friends 61
visitors Visitors 608
kharma Gifts 170
generosity Generosity 1430


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