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Avatar since: 2006-09-04
Age: 40
آخر دخول للموقع:

"life is short dance to the music and live your dream!!"

See My Albums (1)

i am the real jade , lets say my mate was playin a joke on you im a girl im straight im commited and that is the real jade :P leave me a msg if you want erm im a singer im living in canada now too
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
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AlbedEyes,BlueStudded Sexy Tartan MiniDemonlord BloodWings M/F[SH] Hustle Dance[LD] Long Fall Murder
{MR}The REAL Hell Hound!Anim Dance Floor (S)(A)spacerspacerspacer
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You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.











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acid123 has no special someone.
special someone im totally taken!!!!!!!
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Which Elemental Goddess Are You? (breathtaking pictures)

Element: WaterDescription: You are a calm, collected, person. You aren't a total optimist, but usually you are. You are a very fun loving person, who absolutely LOVES water, and the beach. You love to swim to calm your thoughts, and you have quite a few friends who you just hang with most of the time. You also generally like to be in the spotlight alot too. Keep your calm work up!!!
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What is Your Phrase? [for darker people]

"Time passes by, but persistant demons still clutch on to me"
You have been wronged in the past and have to live with those awful memories now. That is why you carry inside much hate and sadness, which you hide away to most people. To this day you still feel pain thinking of it, and desire revenge done to them/him/her, to right the wrongs that has been made to you. You usually are alone or with a few friends, but you aren't too keen on the human race anylonger. You might find temporary happiness in some sort of activity, such as music, to get out your feelings, even if it is just listening to it. Most people might think you are overreacting to still feel such contempt, and that doesn't exactly help to be around those who can't understand. You might feel insecure nowadays, and you have little faith in most things.
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kharma Gifts 5
generosity Generosity 14

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...Beautiful Gothic Pics...[28]
under a funeral moonmyspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
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What kind of evil is in you?

The most deceiving kind of evil. Evil is even more dangerous when it's in a form of beauty.
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What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]

The bully - The fighter

A person with a strong mind, hard to change the opinions already created, the Bully sticks to what believe. Being stubborn is a well known trait of theirs, and they rarely back down from what they believe in. If they do so, much unwanted anxiety will bother the Bully, not allowing him/her to rest in peace.
Since they tend to have such faith in that their opinions are right, the Bully can be very pushing in discussions when their opponent fails to agree with their standpoint. Perhaps prone to compete, the Bully may do so to prove themselves and their worth.
Their downside is that, even if they can see from different perspectives, they hardly ever want to adopt another type of thinking. People may grow frustrated with this, feeling their opinion doesn't matter to the Bully. But that isn't the full truth, as they simply prefer everything to fit with them.
Positive traits are that they are all but a weak character, and they're proud of who they are. They have problems with those who give up easily, frowning upon them. Moments of self doubt and low confidence may occur, but generally they find a way back up on their feet. Most of the times, they are neither a overly happy nor depressed person, as their mood fluctuates. Like a Phoenix, they always survive what is thrown at them.
Quote:"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." -Harvey Fierstein

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