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"Where the mind goes the man follows !"

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting LISTEN TO WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT YOU "To the praise of His glory of His grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved." Ephesians 1:6(KJV) God does not want us to feel frustrated and condemned. He wants us to realize we are pleasing to Him just as we are. The devil keeps trying to tell us what we are not, but God keeps trying to tell us what we are- His beloved children who are well pleasing to Him. God never reminds us how far we have fallen, He always reminds us how far we have risen. He reminds us of how much we have overcome, how well we are doing, how precious we are in His sight, how much He loves us. The devil tells us we cannot possibly be acceptable to God because we are not perfect, but God tells us that we are accepted in the Beloved because of what He has already done for us (Ephesians 1:6). God wants us to know that His hand is upon us, that His angels are watching over us, that His Holy Spirit is right there in us and with us to help us in everything we do. He wants us to know that Jesus is our Friend, and that as we walk with Him day by day good things are going to take place in our lives. If you and i will listen to God rather than to the devil, He will cheer us up and make us feel good about ourselves. He will give us peace about the past, joy for the pressent, and hope for the future. Remember: The joy of the Lord is our strength and our stronghold.
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