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About Me
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Avatar since: 2005-12-19
Age: 36
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Hey, what the fuck is up?"

See My Albums (1)

Welcome to my page. I Rate it R foR a Reason. That Reason is because of coaRse language on the fucking page. Anyway, enough about me, read my little message I left you guys by the message pane!
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
Ok, so I've been away for quite some time, and I haven't been able to check my page too often. But that's ok, because I didn't get a whole lot of anything new, so, what the fuck ever. Just enjoy the page to the fullest.

Contact Me
Yeah, this lets you IM and leave me a message and some other shit. Just look at the options, I guess...
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My Recent Visitors (0)
This is the list and pics of everyone that has looked at my page. I hope to see you on next! Oh, by the way, expect a message from me sometime soon. If I don't get you, I'm sorry. Some days it's too hard to keep up with.
My Videos
Cool New People
Hello, you there! I do not know you, and probably don't want to.
Special Someone
hevymetal420 has no special someone.
My Interests
I don't know where the hell this box came from, but whatever, check it out I guess.
مجموعاتي Check Out IMVU Groups!
hevymetal420 doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Check out IMVU Groups! Share interests, achievements, advice, gossip, stories, anything, everything!
My Friends (10)
Oh, why, it's a list of people! Do I know them? Oh, yeah, that's right... I do know them! What the hell's wrong with me? Oh well...
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My Rankings
Hey, look, it's my rankings! I really don't know whay they need to show everyone my stats, but oh well. It's nice to know that it tells me what I'm at, too. And now, there's this new thing telling chat experience. It lies. I have quite a bit of it... Jerk ass thing. Wait, you're telling me that this chat experience thing is a GAME? What the fuck? Are you guys on crack? Making a game out of talking to people? Wait... That sounds kinda interesting... Eh, fuck it. It's not for me. The only way I'm getting any numbers on here is by luck.
friendly Friends 10
visitors Visitors 247
kharma Gifts 1
generosity Generosity 18

My Wish List
Usually, the stuff I want, I'll buy. But the thing is, if I don't have enough money to buy it, I'll probably put it here, either for people kind enough like you to buy, or for me to remember what I wanted. Sometimes I forget.
XenCorp XLR4 -Derivable-Brunette EyebrowsBlack Pin Stripe w Tiespacerspacer

هل تريد عدم رؤية هذه الإعلانات؟ انضم لبرنامج VIP!
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