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About Me
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Avatar since: 2006-07-16
Age: 37
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See My Albums (1)

Welcome and enjoy the nightmare.

Name: Divinity
Age: 18
Location: Canada
Status: Taken
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Changes often,
though not as often as I would like.
Favorite color(s): Purple.
Also neon green and black, incase you can't already tell. I also love rainbow.
Pets: Only my kitty on here.

Named Pantera after my favorite real kitten.

Want to see the real me? Click below


Do NOT ask me to buy you presents if I do not know you. I love giving people presents but that is because I like them and most likely KNOW them or I think that they deserve it. If I give you a present feel very, very special.

NO, I will not give you my msn/phone number/address. Are you a moron?

I am really not a bitch, just some things piss me off ^.^

My Wish List
Buy me something and I will love you forever!
Enchant HightopsAv~MaryJanes & StockingsViolette MaryJanesMidnight MaryJanes v0Silver Rikku
Miss Cool ~pink~Geminjewel Assassin T FHerogirl TopEnchant Plaid CaprisPanic Rikku
Yumi Raven Dress CollarEyebrows in DarknessNavy/Purple Strapless~M~ 000 Chalk/Ashspacer
Contact Me
You can add me if you wish. If you are creepy I will rip your balls off through your nose.
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generosity Generosity 14

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My Interests
What an interesting section, even more still, what an interesting word. The word "interesting," what does it mean to you? "Intersting" is one of those words that can be replaced by almost any other adjective. Attractive, weird, cool, fucked, fascinating, ugly, different, unique... How do we come by these words? Are they really necessary? I think that they are. Now, use your imagination when I say that I am interesting.

Now for the things that I enjoy:
not, You.

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