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Avatar since: 2006-07-02
السن: 56
الولايات المتحدة - بنسلفانيا
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The background art is used with written permission from "The Witch's Garden" check her out at http://witchgarden.com/ She has the greatest collection of spell pages and art!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Additionally, check out The Ink Witch at theinkwitch.com and check out her ink drawings! I have two at present. My favorite is Mabon which Sabrina gifted me that when I first met her about three years ago at PPD. She is a wonderful person to know and her art is addicting. You see things: you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never are: and say 'Why not?'" -- George Bernard Shaw in Bak to Methuselah
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