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Avatar since: 2007-03-21
Age: 39
الولايات المتحدة - بنسلفانيا
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Any lil sluts need a Mommy?"

See My Albums (1)

IF YOU'RE GOING TO ASK THINGS OF ME, DO NOT COME TO ME EMPTY-HANDED. IF YOU HAVE NO PIC OR PASS, DO NOT EVEN BOTHER ME....Due to the fact that I get swamped with IM's daily, I am very particular about who I talk to. If you're going to bombard me with the same bull like ASL or other useless chat ploys then don't bother wasting my time or yours. I'm a bi female, but im unattracted to stupid. PLEASE dont ask me questions that you can answer yourself by just reading this page! You may think I'm rude, but If you're the one IM'ing me, dont expect me to hold your hand and spoon feed you conversation. Due to overwhelming response, my expectations of people have been heightened. 1) Dont bother me just to chat, as I really could care less for useless small talk 2) I really have no use for male slaves, so I wouldnt try 3) Sluts...not slaves...if all you're going to do is say "what should I do now", then you're useless to me 4) No need to bother unless you have a pic of yourself. Guys, just stop bothering..youre not only boring me, but utterly annoying... The absolute best way to get in touch with me? Leave a message on my page...add me...if Im intrigued I'll be sure to accept it...If not, then sorry...Or you can message me numerous times, as I tend to stay available even when Im not...The choice is yours... -Lena-
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