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Avatar since: 2007-01-06
السن: 44
الولايات المتحدة - تكساس
آخر دخول للموقع:

"Without the bitter nothing is quite as sweet"

See My Albums (1)

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"Time By Your Side"

Night after faithful night sitting by your side
Listening to your thoughts and your days
Smiles, happiness, laughter, and tears
While the old light of stars fell on our eaves
Faithful companion of dark nights so many
Unable to be counted like each precious hair on your head
Like gentle reminders of feelings inside
Sway like the wind above
Is my love nothing memorable?
Like a beam of devotion broken up inside this black hole
With no ray of hope to encourage pursuit
No gleam of things to come
Resigned to your side
I will fade into the background
Like the light that once was

Sitting here once again
Lamenting the choice of path I have so faithfully followed
Doomed by a single card dealt by fate
Striving to be more than what I am
Your unnoticed loyal friend in love with you

"Look Up (ode to sunlight)"

Closing my eyes I step outside
Laying down in the grass
Peering up into the sky

Floating fires mixed with steam cold mass
Dancing fairies between ground and endless nothing
Peering up into the sky

Empty darkness, the cold and eternal space
Expanding twinkling stars to fall upon my face
Peering up into the sky

Falling drops like broken angels from an invisible realm
Crash upon the earth like the tears of the newly begotten widow
Peering up into the sky

We sit inside, we hide all day
Away I say to the sun... away, AWAY!
No longer can I stand your cheerful face
Not your smile, or mind your tears that fall to this place

Content am I, to sit on my hide
Go away life, go run and hide
Lost my appreciation for all that is bright
Now we hide ourselves away, only to come out at night

Peering up into the sky
Why can you not open your eyes to see?
Look up, Look up!
The sky, it enraptures me

Red it is, it has become my fate
That I should peer up at it, far far too late
Look up, Look up I say
The sky has gone away, to be ignored another day

"Hide & Seek"

Silent and deep, the ending still
Breathing not for depth, or strength of will
Slide my eyes to the dark inside
Looking for a place, my heart to hide

"Dark Angel"

She approaches with her wings of light spread
Her body full and desirable
I cannot run to hide
But even if I could, would I?

She feels my soul
The touch like a worn out cloth
She says I belong to her
But I know I belong to God
But she sure looks like a God

Dark Angel, Why are you here?
To steal me, or to satisfy my desires?
Either way you will win...
With your evil eyes and beautiful grin
Looking at you alone is a sin

Dark Angel, Why did you smile?
To force me to lie to myself?
To make my want of you grow?
To sin is to die a thousand times
But for you I would die a million lives

Dark Angel, Please stay with me
Darker and darker the world takes it's turn
Dark Angel, Please let these fires burn down the walls
Please Dark Angel, let my heart play

Don't go away my Angel - Please Stay

Smile your grin
And wear it thin
For all to see
You fall to me
Never again
Live in sin

Relationship Status: Single
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