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Hello there. My name is Kasdeya Vyperae Domination, or "The Death Viper". I welcome you to read further if you're of good company, a sound mind and most importantly - a Roleplayer.
Ah, so you've decided you've fulfilled my Welcome requests. Good on you! I'll tell you a tiny part about my Real Life self. My real life name is not revealed often, only to those I care about.

Anyhow, I'm a nurse in Australia. I work pretty great Monday to Friday hours, however a lot of the time I have to do overtime. Nursing is pretty difficult, so although I do try to come on as often as I can I am not on every night. If you can handle that, great. If not, leave me be. So. That's all I'm going to reveal about myself on here. If you want to know more, you have to be my friend. If you wish to add me on here, I require a message sent first to let me know you enjoy Roleplay.

On to Kasdeya. Kasdeya has the heritage of a Firebull Demon and a Dragon. Due to recent stress, Kasdeya's darker Beast side has taken form in the looks of coal and fire skin, blazing, fiery red eyes, silver-grey hair and in addition, has black, demonic horns.

Kasdeya has a travelling companion, her white tiger she's lovingly called Scribble. Scribble stays in her room most of the time, however has been known to follow her around at random intervals. Scribble always curls up beside her in bed, or at her feet and for this - Deya always sleeps in a large bed. Just a random fact.
Kasdeya will never depend upon another for her own happiness. She will never belong to anyone. Do not seek to think you can change this fact, for she is a Demon. If you could see into her Soul and heart, you would not wish to be nearby. Do not be fooled into thinking you'll be different because she cannot give her heart away, for then she would surely die. Because in this world, you cannot depend upon another to give you happiness. You must take it upon yourself.
Kasdeya's family are her life and friends. She does travel every now and then to new realms, seeking friendship and exploring with Scribble.
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