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Avatar since: 2007-09-28
Age: 30
United States - WA
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See My Albums (1)

Hey! It's Skyline =D (Anna) XP I'm a raver! <3 Don't judge >.>. My first rave was Mayhem at the Citadel in Seattle WA!! I may have changed a lot since i first met you...some of you i may talk to more, others i might have grown away from...I'm currently attending Kaplan Academy Of Washington (online school)... I don't really have much to say...I love my life and if you want to judge me, go ahead! I could care less about what people think of me...If I like you I'll be nice but if i don't I'll be a completely incredibly royal BITCH...I can't stand fake people or people who control their bfs or gfs...I LOVE guns and going shooting ^^...I have been loosing a lot of my friends lately over some of the stupidest things....but then i have also been gaining better friends along the way...My best friends are Nikki Bishop, Breanna Dent, Marissa Hartzell, Layne West, Zach Gabelein, Nathan Brandt, and quite a few others...I love to talk to people so if you wanna talk to me either message/comment me on here or invite me to chat if I'm on.
^^ thats meeee!!!! XD
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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
My Wish List
Taken Left Palm TattooPerfect Feet*SHUT UP* Tee (F)[HPK]HorrorPainted000Ice eyebrows thin
No Eyebrows✂ Bruise Phylicia[M]ATONISHING WED TIARA(K) Elf Ears w/ earrings~Beau Cyan
Blue/white bellydancing✂ Sonata EnvusBlack PVC CouchPale Lime Green Eyes[G]TECKTONIC DANCE 2
Model poses/10Blue/Saphires swimspacerspacerspacer
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Special Someone
xXAnnaAftermathXx has no special someone.
My AMAZING boyfriend Kenzie Ray Chambers <3 I love him with all of my heart! <3 He is the light of my life ^^ I love all of the little things he does =), He makes me so happy and I'm always smiling whenever I'm with him.
My Amazing Boyfriend Kenzie and I
I will love this guy forever <3
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Contact Me
Birthdate:May 6th, 1994
Birthplace:Bozeman, Montana
Current Location:Everett, Washington
Eye Color:Blueish Greenish
Hair Color:Blonde
Height:5' 5"
Boyfriend/Girlfriend:Kenzie/Nikki <3
Overused Phraze:Oh Jebus! o.o
Food:cupcakes =D
Candy:redvines ^^
Number:16, 18, 21
Color:Blue, Purple.
Animal:Cat, Dog, Horse.
Drink:Coffee =D
Alcohol Drink:Tequila >.>
Body Part on Opposite sex:.>
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:either or
McDonalds or BurgerKing:neither
Strawberry or Watermelon:Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea:Both
Chocolate or VanillaBoth
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:Both!
Kiss or Hug:Both <3
Dog or Cat:Both
Rap or Punk:either
Summer or Winter:Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:BOTH!!
Love or Money:Love <3 <3
Most Missed Memory:Snuggled up in Kenzie's arms <3
Best phyiscal feature:Eyes?
First Thought Waking Up:Ah Fuck! Not again >.
Goal for this year:Get better grades o.o
Best Friends:Kenzie, Marissa, Bre, Nikki, Nathan, Dakota, Dalton, Colton, Zach...etc
Weakness:Him <3
Fears:Spiders! O.O
Longest relationship:About 2 and a half years o.o
Ever Drank:Yes
Ever Smoked:Yes
Ever been Drunk:Yes
Ever been beaten up:Nope
Ever beaten someone up:Maybe >.>
Ever Shoplifted:Yes
Ever Skinny Dipped:yepp =p
Ever Kissed Opposite sex:Yeppp
Been Dumped Lately:nope =D
Favorite Eye Color:Blueish Greenish <3
Favorite Hair Color:Blonde or brown
Short or Long:medium
Height:Taller than me at least lol
Style:Don't really care but I mostly go for guys in skinny jeans >.>
Looks or Personality:Personality! (looks are a plus) ;)
Hot or Cuteboth
Drugs and Alcohol:Don't care
Muscular or Really Skinny:doesn't matter
Number of Regrets in the Past:To many to count T.T
What country do you want to Visit:Japan
How do you want to Die:Hopefully quick and painless or in my sleep o.o
Been to the Mall Lately:Yepp =D
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes =)
Get along with your Parents:Sometimes
Health Freak:Not at all
Do you think your Attractive:everyone tells me I am so yeah i guess lol.
Believe in Yourself:Sometimes
Want to go to College:For photography, yes =)
Do you Smoke:Yes
Do you Drink:Yes
Shower Daily:Yes
Been in Love:YESSSSS <3
Do you Sing:yes
Want to get Married:Eventually, yes <3
Do you want Children:Yeah =)
Have your future kids names planned out:Yeah >.>
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:i would have preferred 16 but I lost it at like 14
Hate anyone:OH YES!!

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